Why Rent Bed Bug Heater
Why spend thousands on exterminators when you can do it yourself for a fraction of a cost. Our heater is the EXACTLY the same as what the professional bed bug exterminator use. Here are few reasons to rent bed bugs heater
- Save Money
- Save Time
- Don’t need to wait for the exterminators
- 100% People and Pet Friendly
- Pesticide are ineffective and unsafe
- Average Exterminator Cost: $2000+
- Average Kill Bed Bugs Houston Treatment: Just $300!
- Get it done in your convenience, no appointment, no waiting
Relief from bed bugs is just a call away
CALL NOW 832-548-0311
About Heat Treatment
Heat treatment is the only way to eliminate your bed bugs problem. Temperatures in the 115-143ºF range kill bed bugs in a matter of hours, without exposure to hazardous chemicals that are not effective. Moreover, you don’t have to deal with annoying odors that lasts days.
Read out How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs guide for more info on why our heaters are the best solution