Have you awakened from a nice long sleep only to discover a lot of terrible bugs on your bed? It can happen to any of us. Anyone’s otherwise perfect day can be ruined by the mere sight of these critters. All you can ponder the remaining of the day and night is whether you’ve got bed bugs and how to get rid of them!
It’s imperative to familiarize yourself with what a bed bug look like so you can properly decide what to do next. Here’s a quick overview that will help on determining whether you have the bed bugs.
What does bed bugs look like?
There is no doubt that that bed bugs are annoying. Unfortunately, annoying isn’t a enough descriptor to properly identify them. Adult bed bugs are a red-brown color. The nymphs, or babies, are an extra pale color and more radiant. The infant ones can be a great deal more challenging to identify than grownups due to their size. Even mature bed bugs are tiny. They can get to around 1/4-inch in size and might grow a little bigger if they’ve just taken blood. Yet undeveloped bed bugs can be as little as 1.3 millimeters!
Bed bugs turn into bright red as well as puffy when they take blood. When they contain blood, they may be the dimension of an apple seed. If you see something that looks like a bed bugs yet red, that most likely is bed bug but indicates it has consumed blood just recently.

Bed bugs have 6 legs and long, large abdominal areas. They have tiny heads, a set of feelers, and ridges running flat down their backs. Bed bugs eggs have the same dimension as poppy seed. They’re clear and tube-shaped, nearly like small, smooth pieces of rice. Because of their small dimension, you most likely won’t see these eggs.
Unfortunately, if there are bed bugs there are going to be eggs even though you don’t see them. Bed bugs lay about an egg each day, and these eggs take about 10 days to hatch. That may sound like a small number. Yet because of their tiny dimension you never ever know exactly how much time bed bugs have been laying eggs when you see the very first bed bugs.
If you find a bug on or around your bed that looks fit the description above, you might have a bed bug issue. So, what should you do now?
What to Do If You Find a Bed Bug
Your initial instinct might be to eliminate the bed bugs; however, you need to resist to that impulse. Rather, obtain a mug or jar and capture the bug. That way you can have a much better look at it, maybe get an opinion from another person. It is also good idea to show it to a bed bugs exterminator to confirm your assessment.

Analyze the bed bug with a magnifying glass if you have one handy, specifically if it’s a baby. This will help you determine whether it’s a bed bugs, or another type of bugs.
The next task is to do a deep clean of your bedrooms. It may be good idea to cleanse more than just the bed. Bed bugs like to lay their eggs in quiet places without interruption, and typically select an area around the bed. This includes home window sills as well as baseboards. As bed bugs mature, they lose their exoskeletons. You might be able to find shed exoskeletons around your room before ever before seeing a live bed bug.
You should clean all your sheets, your curtains, your linens, and even stuffed animals. Anything warm and made from fabric-like material can be a hiding place for bed bugs. Place them in a high-heat dryer to make sure you kill all the bed bugs. Scrub your bed mattress and mattress joints, and after that do a thorough vacuum. Eliminate the vacuum cleaner bag as soon as possible and place it in an exterior waste receptacle. You do not want any of these pesky bugs running away!
Then it’s time to consider next option- heat treatment. Doing the heat treatment of bed bugs sooner rather than later will ensure that the bed bug infestation doesn’t become out of control. This is the only actual meaningful way to do away with your unwanted visitors.
Getting Rid Of the Bed bugs
Bed bugs infestations can occur quickly, and they can take place right under your nose. Getting heat treatment done as quickly as possible is very important. Bed bugs are extremely tricky pest to get rid of. They’re immune to many chemicals, so store-bought pesticide don’t work on them. In fact, if anything store-bought pesticide can make your problem worse as store-bought pesticide mostly work as repellent. Read this to learn more. One thing that does work, nonetheless, is heat. Bed bugs cannot survive in temperatures between 120-122 degrees Fahrenheit.
Professional bed bugs exterminator in Houston only use heat treatment to get rid of bed bugs. This technique heats up the infested area to the ideal temperature of 120-122-degree Fahrenheit. Exposed to this temperature for about 4 to 6 hours, bed bugs and their eggs will all die. Unfortunately, reputable bed bugs exterminator in Houston TX can be very expensive. The charge to get rid of bed bugs with reputable company range from $2000 to $5000 even more if you have a very large house. So what is your other option?
Bed Bugs Heater Rental
A sensible and inexpensive alternative to hiring a bed bugs exterminator in Houston is to rent a bed bugs heater. With bed bugs heater rental, you will use the same professional grade bed bugs heater to do the heat treatment. Getting rid of bed bugs is not a rocket science as many pro want you to believe. You treat each infested room at 120-122-degree temperature for 6 hours or so and you are done!
Be bed bugs free in 24 hours
The first step to taking care of a bed bugs problem is knowing what these pesky insect looks like. The following step is to get rid of them as quickly possible. The longer you wait the worse your invasion will get, and the more difficult it will be to get rid of. Do not allow bed bugs ruin another day of your life.